What's On?
New Here?
Welcome to Springwood Church!
Springwood Church is a group of local people from all ages and walks of life who, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, meet regularly to worship God, show commitment to one another through the ups and downs of daily life and want to see the local community know that God loves them. Why not join us? You don't have to dress up and we won’t ask you for any money, but you are welcome whether you are a committed Christian, or simply want to know how Christianity is relevant in the 21st Century. We start at 10.30. but why not come early for a cuppa at 10.15 to say 'Hello'? We try to finish before 12.00. Like most churches, we spend time worshipping God with the best of contemporary songs and older hymns, praying together, reading the Bible and then hearing a sermon of about 25-30 minutes, to help us understand and apply God’s word to our lives. |
Newcomers Meal
We have regular meals to welcome people who are new to Springwood. These are either at lunchtime on a Sunday, or an evening meal during the week.
At these meals there’s an opportunity for us to get to know you, and for you to hear something of the story of Springwood and about how you can get involved with the life of the church. They’re a great place to meet some of our regulars so that you can start to feel at home.
We have regular meals to welcome people who are new to Springwood. These are either at lunchtime on a Sunday, or an evening meal during the week.
At these meals there’s an opportunity for us to get to know you, and for you to hear something of the story of Springwood and about how you can get involved with the life of the church. They’re a great place to meet some of our regulars so that you can start to feel at home.
What Goes On?

Sunday Mornings
We meet at 10.30 at Parkview Primary School, with tea and coffee available from 10.15. You’ll be assured of a warm welcome.
We place a strong emphasis on teaching the Bible as the Word of God and relating it to the needs of people in the 21st Century. We sing the best of contemporary and traditional songs as part of our worship. We have a good number of young children and they tend to go out half way through the service to their own groups while the adults stay in the main hall.
We regularly stay in the hall together for an All Age Service. This is usually the last Sunday of the month. See our Facebook page for when the next one is.
Communion and Baptism
The cross is of the first importance said the Apostle Paul, so we share Communion twice a month: once when the children are in the service and two weeks later after they have left for their Sunday School classes. We operate an Open Table, where we welcome all who trust the Lord Jesus for their salvation.
We believe the Bible teaches baptism by full immersion, so we practice this when people come to faith in the Lord Jesus. This is a marvellous time of witness to family and friends who come to celebrate with us.

Home Groups
Our Home Groups meet at various houses across the estate on Wednesdays evenings at 7.45, and they usually last about two hours. We encourage everyone to join a Home Group as this is where we dig deeper into the bible together and strong relationships are built.
We are immensely privileged that our loving Heavenly Father welcomes us to come to Him with our praise, thanks, requests and petitions. We pray informally at 10.15 on Sunday mornings, during our Sunday Services, at our Home Groups and on the last Sunday evening of the month is a special prayer meeting for evangelism.
We often pray informally whenever we meet, e.g. in our homes over coffee.
As a church family, we like to follow Jesus’ example by eating together regularly. This may be a picnic in the local park, a ‘Bring and Share’ meal after the morning service or a BBQ at Carsington Waters! And we do food well here!
Our Home Groups meet at various houses across the estate on Wednesdays evenings at 7.45, and they usually last about two hours. We encourage everyone to join a Home Group as this is where we dig deeper into the bible together and strong relationships are built.
We are immensely privileged that our loving Heavenly Father welcomes us to come to Him with our praise, thanks, requests and petitions. We pray informally at 10.15 on Sunday mornings, during our Sunday Services, at our Home Groups and on the last Sunday evening of the month is a special prayer meeting for evangelism.
We often pray informally whenever we meet, e.g. in our homes over coffee.
As a church family, we like to follow Jesus’ example by eating together regularly. This may be a picnic in the local park, a ‘Bring and Share’ meal after the morning service or a BBQ at Carsington Waters! And we do food well here!
Is There Anything For Children?
Children are an important part of our church family at Springwood. We have a great team who are passionate about teaching the Bible to children and young people.
** All of our volunteers in the various Children’s work have current DBS clearance so you can be sure of safe, fun and engaging sessions. A copy of our Safeguarding Policy is available on request.**
Children under three play, listen to simple Bible stories and sing songs to introduce them to faith in the Lord Jesus.
JAM (Jesus and Me)
Children 3-11 are taught from the Scripture Union scheme ‘Mosaic’. They listen to Bible stories, sing, pray and do a variety of crafts to help them understand more about the Christian faith.
** All of our volunteers in the various Children’s work have current DBS clearance so you can be sure of safe, fun and engaging sessions. A copy of our Safeguarding Policy is available on request.**
Children under three play, listen to simple Bible stories and sing songs to introduce them to faith in the Lord Jesus.
JAM (Jesus and Me)
Children 3-11 are taught from the Scripture Union scheme ‘Mosaic’. They listen to Bible stories, sing, pray and do a variety of crafts to help them understand more about the Christian faith.
Holiday Bible Club
During the summer holidays, we run a Holiday Bible club. These are highly popular, attracting a good number of children from the church, the school where we meet and from the estate. The children sing action songs, make crafts, play games and hear Bible stories. These sessions are free and are great fun! You can see lots pictures of previous clubs on our Facebook page.
During the summer holidays, we run a Holiday Bible club. These are highly popular, attracting a good number of children from the church, the school where we meet and from the estate. The children sing action songs, make crafts, play games and hear Bible stories. These sessions are free and are great fun! You can see lots pictures of previous clubs on our Facebook page.
Anything Else?
Men’s Breakfast
The guys from our church regularly go for an 'All You Can Eat' breakfast on Saturday mornings at the Toby Carvery on Nottingham Road, Derby, DE21 6LZ. It’s a chance to hang out as blokes together, but we also have a speaker who will tell us something of interest, and showing how that relates to Christianity today.
If you fancy joining us, let us know and we just might buy your breakfast! 8.00 am kick off.
Ladies’ breakfast
This is a new initiative, where the ladies meet for breakfast at Katherine's Gift & Coffee Bar in Chaddesden. This includes sparkling conversation and a Speaker will address a topic of interest.
The guys from our church regularly go for an 'All You Can Eat' breakfast on Saturday mornings at the Toby Carvery on Nottingham Road, Derby, DE21 6LZ. It’s a chance to hang out as blokes together, but we also have a speaker who will tell us something of interest, and showing how that relates to Christianity today.
If you fancy joining us, let us know and we just might buy your breakfast! 8.00 am kick off.
Ladies’ breakfast
This is a new initiative, where the ladies meet for breakfast at Katherine's Gift & Coffee Bar in Chaddesden. This includes sparkling conversation and a Speaker will address a topic of interest.

Meadowlark is a Sheltered Accommodation complex for the mature members of our estate. Once a month we hold a service in their coffee lounge.
Easter and Christmas Cafes
We celebrate Easter and Christmas with plenty of drinks, cakes and activities for children of all ages. It is an opportunity to reflect of the Christmas and Easter Stories, which are all about the birth, then the Lord's death and resurrection. We always get lots of guests and have a lovely time together.
Entry, activities, drinks and cakes are all free of charge!
Meadowlark is a Sheltered Accommodation complex for the mature members of our estate. Once a month we hold a service in their coffee lounge.
Easter and Christmas Cafes
We celebrate Easter and Christmas with plenty of drinks, cakes and activities for children of all ages. It is an opportunity to reflect of the Christmas and Easter Stories, which are all about the birth, then the Lord's death and resurrection. We always get lots of guests and have a lovely time together.
Entry, activities, drinks and cakes are all free of charge!